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Pellegrino (ex PCI-Pds) crushes the false myth of Mani Pulite and pinches Violante and D’Alema…

Pellegrino (ex PCI-Pds) crushes the false myth of Mani Pulite and pinches Violante and D'Alema...

What the former PCI-PDS parliamentarian, Giovanni Pellegrino, said and what he made clear about Mani Pulite. And not only that… Damato 's Graffi

Finally. 32 years after the falsely mythical "clean hands", destined to overwhelm the so-called First Republic, the very honest post-communist Giovanni Pellegrino – who at the time was president of the Senate's immunity board, where the judiciary's requests against politicians under investigation for corruption, extortion, etc., etc. – he told the truth in an interview with Corriere della Sera , the whole truth in the most sensational political details. However, he got the ending optimistically wrong by saying that the plan aimed at imposing "the primacy of the judicial power", as he called it, was not achieved thanks to the merit, initiative and so on of the judiciary itself. That it would have been able to find within itself the strength to resist extremist pressures.

“The judiciary – said Pellegrino in particular – is a widespread power. Everyone does as they please. In fact, the Brescia Prosecutor's Office hit Di Pietro, who had political ambitions", only partially realized by becoming "Prodi's minister and then party leader", as the interviewer Francesco Verderami interrupted him. “But his ambition – Pellegrino interrupted him in turn – was to become Prime Minister”.

“If I think about those years – Pellegrino continued and insisted – it makes me cry. Clean Hands did not realize his plan but destroyed the party system. I had respect for the magistrates of Milan. Borrelli drove it very well. But their principle, which was based on the primacy of the judiciary, was in conflict with the constitutional design."

Pellegrino expressed his first concerns about that subversive "principle" felt by his parliamentary position to a Massimo D'Alema whom he already knew well and from whom he perhaps expected understanding. But D'Alema disappointed him by speaking to him of a "revolution" now underway, for which the prices of excesses could also be paid: from handcuffs to surreal trials. And to the exchange for corruption of any illegal or irregular financing: a phenomenon practiced by all – absolutely all – the parties in the field, including that of Pellegrino and D'Alema, Pellegrino himself explained and recounted.

Then, when in a seasonal moment of rest or distraction a magistrate in Milan – the famous Tiziana Parenti, also destined for political experience, but on the opposite side to that of D Pietro – targeted the administrative secretary of the PDS- former PCI, D'Alema woke up from that sort of sleep in which, according to Pellegrino, "Luciano", i.e. Violante, had put him, telling him that the former communist party would be practically spared from the judicial revolution. He therefore encouraged Pellegrino to speak and move, counting on him, who could not expose himself too much personally having the justicialist breath of the then party secretary, Achille Occhetto, on his shoulders.

I had the opportunity to meet Pellegrino when he had to chair the parliamentary commission investigating the unpunished massacres. And we found ourselves in agreement in the evaluation of some mysteries – which still remained so – of the Aldo Moro tragedy, which was also possible due to the ability of terrorism to slip through the meshes of the State. I therefore understand how much it may have cost the former left-wing parliamentarian humanly, as well as politically, to finally talk about "clean hands" as he did with the Corriere . That is, complaining and in some respects denouncing the limits and faults of his political side in what I consider – unlike him – the final surrender of politics to a power-hungry judiciary. A judiciary which – I believe, not surprisingly – through its trade union bodies supported by the usual and solid media lineup is rejecting the justice reform just proposed by the government as "revenge" and an attack on the Constitution.

It dares – think about it – to actually try, this time when there are the parliamentary numbers to do so, to separate the careers of judges and prosecutors. And apply the principle of "fair trial" introduced in the Constitution in 1999: a trial "in cross-examination between the parties, in conditions of equality before a third and impartial judge". What is missing, I would say, is the true defeat of the "clean hands" project of imposing judicial power on everything else, starting with politics and ending with information. Yes, even information, which now apes the resistance of certain judiciaries to the prospect of returning to the ranks imagined by the founding fathers.

The time probably did not pass in vain.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/pellegrino-ex-pci-pds-stritola-il-falso-mito-di-mani-pulite-e-pizzica-violante-e-dalema/ on Tue, 04 Jun 2024 05:07:29 +0000.