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Pnrr, here’s what the government (and the League) will do on pensions and 100 quota

Pnrr, here's what the government (and the League) will do on pensions and 100 quota

The passage on pensions and quota 100 contained in the Pnrr analyzed by Giuliano Cazzola, which reveals: the League will give up on quota 100 as can be seen from …

How many words are there in a 319 page document? So many. Yet, in the PNRR ( according to the known text ) a laconic sentence is reserved for one of the topics – which most interest our fellow citizens and which trigger all possible forms of demagogy and social envy: " the transitional phase of application of the so-called Quota 100 will end at the end of the year and will be replaced by measures aimed at categories with tiring jobs ''.

From the start, we take note of a new adjective; after '' wearing '', '' disadvantaged '', with reference to the tasks, another case appears – '' wearing '' – for now without scientific indications.

However, it seems undisputed that 100 will follow its fate, with no regrets. Let us not be fooled, therefore, by recent bellicose declarations by some members of the League. '

'For us the quota 100 remains a sacrosanct measure' ', thundered Tiziana Nisini a few days ago, undersecretary for work at Lega quota. And she added threateningly: '' I asked the minister (Andrea Orlando, ed ) for a comparison on this, because we cannot go back ''. This is in line with what Matteo Salvini says he reiterated to Mario Draghi during the consultations to form the government: '' Whoever wants to govern with the League should know that 100 is not touched ''.

The Carroccio is a strange party: the right hand ignores what the left has written. On 11 January, when the League was still in opposition to Count 2, the group presented a draft law to the Chamber ( pdl 2855 ) – first signed by Claudio Durigon, followed by that of the group leader Riccardo Molinari and a slew of deputies – amending the provisions on early access to retirement.

Article 2 provides for maintaining the "quota 100" only for those who carry out strenuous work (the definition has a narrower and more defined scope than "wearisome") identified with the criteria already in use for access to EPA social or retirement for precocious workers, eliminating however – their goodness – the mechanism of "waiting windows".

But the best comes later. '' Given that these subjects are generally already recipients of the mixed pension calculation system, it is proposed that this benefit also be paid in full with the contributory system '' also for the periods regulated by the remuneration system.

In essence, the use of quota 100 would remain in force for a limited number of workers in personal, family and work conditions '' wearing '' (or at least disadvantaged and typified), moreover with the application of an economic penalty such as the recalculation of contributions (and retroactive) for the entire length of service.

We are in the presence of a real heterogenesis of ends, because, in the new calculation regime, prefigured by the Lega pdl, those subjects capable of asserting long and continuous work periods subject to the remuneration model would be penalized; the same now favored by quota 100. In essence, this would result in a worsening compared to the treatment in force, which would expire at the end of the year (as indicated by the PNRR) even with the approval of the League, which, in its pdl, does not it at all hints at an extension.

'' As is known – it is written in the introductory report to the pdl – at the end of the current year 2021 the transitional experimental phase that accompanied the introduction of the criterion for access to early retirement with the rule of the so-called "quota 100" will be concluded '' .

Caught with the mouse in the mouth, the '' Northern League '' could answer that the resizing of the standard-flag is accompanied by a real reform.

In fact, article 1 of the pdl 2855 provides that, starting from 1 January 2022, access to early retirement is allowed on condition that a seniority of 41 years is accrued. However, this benefit would also be paid by INPS according to the calculation rules of the contribution system.

What to say? Perhaps they have not realized it, but the proposal of the Northern League deputies would be “ rigorous '' (without their knowledge?), Because it would introduce heavy economic disincentives for early retirement of the last generations of the baby boom – still made up of male workers, resident in the North and entered the labor market permanently as young people – able to assert – more mature than elderly, certainly not old – those contributions required to retire regardless of age.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/pnrr-che-cosa-fara-il-governo-su-pensioni-e-quota-100/ on Sat, 24 Apr 2021 09:46:58 +0000.