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Recovery Plan, here is the latest draft of the Pnrr

Recovery Plan, here is the latest draft of the Pnrr

All the details and the full draft of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr)

The NRP will be accompanied by a series of reforms to "strengthen the business environment, reduce bureaucratic burdens and remove the constraints that have slowed down investments".

This is what is read in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) which mentions the reform of competition, justice, the labor market and the tax authorities, in particular the personal income tax.

The goal is "the reduction of effective rates on income from work, employees and self-employed, in particular for taxpayers with low and medium-low income, in order to increase the employment rate, reduce undeclared work and encourage employment of women and young people ".

Last night the Presidency of the Council of Ministers sent all the ministers the new draft of the Next Generation Italy, updated to January 12, 2021 and reworked on the basis of the various critical observations of the majority forces.

“Italy intends to be the protagonist of this European Renaissance, through the relaunch of public and private investments and with reforms aimed at strengthening the capacity and efficiency of institutions. The extraordinary role assigned to Italy in the context of the Next Generation EU initiative is proportionate to the needs of the country, which not only concern the immediate consequences of the pandemic, but also and above all the problems and structural gaps that have hindered the Italian growth of the last decades ”, we read.

There are three transversal priorities of the plan: Women, Youth and the South

The PNRR, through an integrated and horizontal approach, aims at women's empowerment and at the fight against gender discrimination, at increasing the skills, abilities and employment prospects of young people, at territorial rebalancing and at the development of the South. These priorities are not entrusted to single interventions limited to specific components, but pursued in all the missions of the PNRR.

Governance of the Plan

With reference to the governance of the plan, in the PNRR it is specified that "The Government, on the basis of the European guidelines for the implementation of the Plan, will present a governance model to the Parliament that identifies the responsibility for implementing the Plan, guarantees coordination with Ministers responsible at the national level and other levels of government, monitor the progress of the expenditure ”.

Missions, Components, Lines of Intervention

The PNRR is divided into 6 Missions, which in turn group 16 Components functional to achieving the economic and social objectives defined in the Government's strategy.

The Components are divided into 47 Lines of intervention for homogeneous and coherent projects. The individual investment projects were selected according to criteria aimed at concentrating interventions on transformative ones, with the greatest impact on the economy and on work. The identification and definition of both "existing projects" and "new projects" was also oriented towards these criteria.
The PNRR then reports in the last pages a table showing the "Total resources by mission and component in which in addition to the 222.89 billion euro, the additional resources available for" ESI / PON Funds "," FEARS ", "Budget planning 2021-2026" which bring the total available resources from 222.89 billion euros to 310.60 billion euros.


This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/recovery-plan-ecco-lultima-bozza-del-pnrr/ on Tue, 12 Jan 2021 08:45:56 +0000.