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Smart grids and biomethane, like the Mise pressa Conte for the Recovery fund

Smart grids and biomethane, like the Mise pressa Conte for the Recovery fund

The proposals of the Ministry of Economic Development Patuanelli sent to the Presidency of the Council for the Recovery Plan on energy transition, decarbonisation, smart grids, biomethane and more

Redevelopment of the electricity network and restructuring of industrial centers, modernization of the fuel network and promotion of biomethane. These are part of the measures that should lead Italy towards a more renewable future contained in the draft document that puts in black and white the proposals of the Ministry of Economic Development for the Recovery Plan.

Here are all the proposals of the Mise at Palazzo Chigi (which will then decide the priorities) for energy transition and decarbonization, for a total investment of 12.5 billion euros (9 billion for the implementation of the Pniec and 3.5 billion for decarbonisation ).


Among the first measures on the subject proposed by the Ministry of Economic Development there is an energy income, which aims to promote the collective self-production of renewable electricity, through the involvement of the network of minor municipalities and the enhancement of areas / spaces suitable for the localization of plants. This is a proposal, the document reads, “in synergy with a similar measure recently approved by the CIPE and with experiences already underway in Italy”.


Among the interventions to be implemented (and financed) there is the adaptation of the electricity grid in smart grids, to manage the increase in renewable energy and the spread of small-scale self-production, but also to support new services, such as electricity supply for electric mobility. Among the objectives there is also that of adapting the networks to combat extreme climatic events.

The initiative, reads the document, "enables a wide range of investments and related services downstream, provides for a large prevalence of spending in Italy (over 95%), an important demand for products and services in strategic industrial sectors for the country (electronics, electrical engineering and construction) and the involvement of a large number of SMEs in the construction (and maintenance) of the infrastructure ".


The Mise also proposes the allocation of resources (starting from 2021, to complete the works by 2023) to modernize part of the fuel distribution network (1000 plants, out of a total of over 20,000). Mise aims at installing fast and ultra-fast electric recharges equipped with storage systems, also capable of communicating and providing services to the electricity grid.


The ministry also promotes biomethane, with the "conversion of a large part of the approximately 1200 electricity production plants fueled by biogas (the costs of which have not been reduced compared to other renewable sources) to the production of biomethane destined for thermal use in the industrial sectors , residential and agricultural (biomethane tractors), replacing 5% of fossil natural gas by 2027, with a circular economy approach and important repercussions on the agricultural sector ".

The investment grants should be set at a maximum of 40%.


The decarbonization of some industrial poles is also expected. The measure is aimed primarily at the ceramics refining and production sector, sectors highly exposed to industrial competition from non-European players, and in any case impacted by the decarbonisation policies established at national and European level, explains the Mise.

The program will also affect the sites of coal-fired power generation plants, those, so to speak, which will have to close, according to the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC), by 2025.


Mise does not miss a look at the employees of the aforementioned poles. The ministry led by Stefano Patuanelli designs and proposes retraining programs for workers affected by the conversion of the industrial sites involved


The document that of proposals signed by the Mise also provides for the construction of infrastructures that facilitate the conversion of industrial activities with production cycles with reduced emissions, "in particular in the sector of aluminum production in Sardinia, of ceramics in the specific industrial district, and of production of low carbon content petroleum products from fossil sources (including the San Filippo del Mela area – Sicily) ”, reads the document.


Among the latest proposals on the subject of decarbonisation is that of financing programs for the establishment in industrial areas subject to the process of reconversion of new activities with a lower emission impact.

Here is the document with all the proposals of the Mise: times and amounts

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/energia/smart-grid-e-biometano-come-il-mise-pressa-conte-per-il-recovery-fund/ on Tue, 08 Sep 2020 13:50:23 +0000.