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Sole 24 Ore, here’s how Tamburini’s 3 deputies shock the cdr

Sole 24 Ore, here's how Tamburini's 3 deputies shock the cdr

What do the 3 deputy directors of Sole 24 Ore write after the editorial assembly (split) voted no confidence in the director Fabio Tamburini.

The deputy directors of Sole 24 Ore also come out after the vote of “disapproval” of the editorial assembly of the economic-financial daily against the director Fabio Tamburini.

Although split – and with 38 journalists who did not participate in the vote, contesting the regularity of the procedures in a letter to the editorial committee – the assembly voted a motion of no confidence towards the director Tamburini ( here all the details ).

The three deputy directors of the financial newspaper (Roberto Bernabo, Jean Marie Del Bo and Alberto Orioli) expressing "total solidarity and confidence to Fabio Tamburini" director, indirectly criticizing the committee of editors who criticized the drift from "house organ Confindustria "Of the newspaper directed by Tamburini:" We cannot therefore accept the ease with which we spoke of a confindustrial house organ or bulletin or even more about the limits of decency outdated, statements that discredit precisely what we intend to preserve as a most precious ”, write the 3 deputy directors.


Dear colleagues and dear colleagues,

we want to express our total solidarity and trust to the director Fabio Tamburini with whom we will continue to carry out our daily work with the usual spirit of maximum collaboration.

We invite the entire editorial staff to tone down to bring the dialectic in place back into the normal trade union dynamics, with the aim of rediscovering the precious community spirit that has always characterized Il Sole 24 Ore .

We all want the newspaper to continue to be worthy of its tradition which has solid anchors in founding and unforgettable moments for all.

We are very concerned with the independence of the newspaper, its authority and the sacrosanct recognition for the quality of the work of our colleagues that we strive to make the most of every day in the newspaper and website.

We cannot therefore accept the ease with which we talked about a confindustrial house organ or bulletin or even more about the limits of decency outdated, statements that discredit precisely what we intend to keep as the most precious asset.

This is not and will never be the figure of our work.

Roberto Bernabò

Jean Marie Del Bo

Alberto Orioli

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/sole-24-ore-i-3-vicedirettori-di-tamburini-folgorano-il-cdr/ on Thu, 19 Nov 2020 12:35:54 +0000.