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The 29 years of the politician Berlusconi

The 29 years of the politician Berlusconi

Works and words of the politician Berlusconi. Paola Sacchi's note

Twenty-nine years, almost 30, from the famous speech of the descent into the field for Italy "the country I love" and which continues to love, which is why it is still in the field. But the video message posted on Instagram by Silvio Berlusconi is not only the celebration complete with cake of his anniversary of his political commitment and Forza Italia's birthday. Each time it is like a return to the field for the Cav, of which we often forget that paradoxically he has been in politics for fewer years than the younger premiers and deputy premiers Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini, since he was on the threshold of 60 when he launched himself into the "feat of freedom", which he defines as "much more difficult" than the previous one as an entrepreneur.

This time the anniversary of the famous speech of 26 January 1994 – the descent into the field "decisive for the history of Italy", which "makes us protagonists", recalls, with the Azzurri parliamentarians, Antonio Tajani coordinator of FI, deputy prime minister and minister of Foreign – falls on the eve of the two electoral consultations in Lombardy and Lazio .

Appointments for which a very intense Berlusconi's electoral campaign has resumed on social media, with daily messages, from justice to the defense of the house from the excesses of the European green directives, to the reduction of contributions for young people hired, to the increase in minimum pensions which in five years government intends to bring it to 1,000 euros.

The Cav then congratulated Paolo Del Debbio on Rete4 for "Dritto e rovescio" also with the fact that he had reached a record 5 million likes on TikTok and that he had started a dialogue with the very young, who wrote to him and they ask questions. “We are irreplaceable,” he articulates.

The objective of the blue leader, founder of the centre-right, is to relaunch the centrality of FI in the government, which also passes through the affirmation of the Regionals. The polls photograph a further growth of FdI which has already doubled the Lega and FI policies together. If the League nevertheless gives the candidate for president in Lombardy, Attilio Fontana, the advantage, Forza Italia will also have to deal with the external competition of the "Third pole" which has nominated the former "Berlusconian" Letizia Moratti.

It is therefore no coincidence that the Cav has restarted the attack with a social media campaign that follows that of the Policies of 25 September in which it prevented the "third pole" from overtaking and almost equalized, albeit not in parliamentary seats, the League which had surpassed in 2018.

Berlusconi bipolarizes the electoral message, recalling his descent into the field with which he defeated "the justicialist left", returning to the center of the centre-right coalition, claiming the "irreplaceability" of FI. "We are the soul, the heart of the center-right and of this government". That is, he underlines, the "liberal, guarantor, pro-European, Christian, Atlanticist centre".

Berlusconi reaffirms the primacy in the inheritance and representation of these key values, recalling that "without us there would be no government, there would be a right numerically strong but not able to govern." Remember that FI makes and will make "the difference", sure of a good success even at the Regionals. Words with which the former premier returns to draw a line with respect to hegemonizing hypotheses, of which the news have spoken, by FdI as a de facto single conservative party.

On justice Berlusconi, after having recalled the numerous and significant successes of his governments against the mafia "the only thing missing was the arrest of Messina Denaro", claims the clearly guarantor trait of FI, starting with the use of wiretaps. He denounces that a "Chinese" system, one in which "Italians are all considered potential mafia members and terrorists," would be "a horror".

The Cav also recalls his historical merit of having defeated "a very communist left which some magistrates had paved the way for". But this in no way means a dissonance with the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, who spoke of dialogue with the judiciary before bringing the reform to the "sovereign parliament". Far from it. Berlusconi praises the Minister of Justice who has traced the "guaranteed" path, even if now "they must follow the facts". He gives a positive judgment of the almost 100 days of the Meloni government: "We started off on the right foot". In short, loyal to the government, but "central", indeed, "irreplaceable". Maybe even keeping an eye on the maneuvers of the "third pole".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/silvio-berlusconi-29-anni-politica/ on Fri, 27 Jan 2023 06:20:54 +0000.