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The crazy ranking of the most social doctors that makes Matteo Bassetti dream

The crazy ranking of the most social doctors that makes Matteo Bassetti dream

Sensemakers' research on the most social doctors (among the doctors there is also the Minister Speranza who is not a doctor) and the gloating tweet of the infectious disease specialist Matteo Bassetti who stands out in the ranking. Facts, names, curiosities and oddities

Can the Minister of Health, who is not a doctor, also be included in a search on the most active doctors on social media?

Yes, according to the consulting firm Sensemakers specializing in "digital activities", we read on the company's website: even if the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, is not a doctor but has a degree in Political Science ( as can be seen from his biography ), Speranza can be counted among doctors despite having a doctorate in the history of Mediterranean Europe.

“During the pandemic, more and more professionals have launched into social careers, partly to convey information through channels other than the traditional ones, partly to support citizen-patients bombarded by the chaos of different information circulating on TV and on the web. At the top of the ranking prepared by Sensemakers we find Matteo Bassetti, a face that the general public will not easily forget, infectious disease specialist and head of the infectious diseases department at the San Martino hospital in Genoa. The doctor has a very active profile on Instagram through which he dispenses advice and shares news ”, reads an article on Sensemakers research.

He adds: “In second position Stefania Andreoli, one of the psychotherapists currently best known also because of her frequent appearances on TV. She is also very active on Instagram where she shares not only moments of her daily life but through very descriptive captions she talks about her moods and emotions to "humanize" them. As we have already said previously, not only health sites but also psychology sites have seen growth during Covid, this is because the pandemic has also generated consequences on the mental health of patients, who have sought support and answers through all channels. their disposition, including social networks, which have the privilege of putting doctor and patient in "direct" contact ".

To gloat over the results of the research is Bassetti, at the top of the ranking. So much so that he emphasizes the search by tweeting:

It is therefore bearable for the primacy of interactions: a parameter that is not always positive, given that interactions include not only the positive ones with Bassetti's sorties but also the negative ones.

So, even for some doctors, the important thing is to get people talked about.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/sanita/la-pazzotica-classifica-dei-medici-piu-social-che-fa-sognare-matteo-bassetti/ on Fri, 05 Aug 2022 09:08:57 +0000.