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The true Trumpism of the Republicans on foreign policy

The true Trumpism of the Republicans on foreign policy

For the first time in fifty years, a majority of Republicans say they want the United States not to meddle in world affairs.

For the first time in nearly fifty years of Chicago Council polling, a majority of Republicans in 2023 expressed a preference for the United States to stay out of world affairs, rather than actively participate in them.

This shift reflects a notable evolution in public opinion since 2015, when GOP supporters were more likely than Democrats to favor an active role abroad.


This decline in support appears to be driven in particular by “Trump Republicans,” who represent 47% of GOP supporters, and show a more negative view regarding the United States' global role, alliances with Europe and defense of the allies.

Key data highlights that only 40% of Trump Republicans believe it would be better for the country's future if the United States actively participated in world affairs, compared to 52% of non-Trump Republicans. Additionally, half of Trump Republicans (48%) want the United States to be the dominant world leader, while a majority of non-Trump Republicans (65%) prefer a shared leadership role.


Trump's Republicans are noticeably more skeptical about the benefits of U.S. alliances with Europe and East Asia, and less likely to support the use of U.S. troops to defend Baltic allies in the event of an attack by Russia. Furthermore, this group shows a greater propensity to support US military intervention in the event of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, reflecting a disproportionately greater concern about China as a threat.


These data indicate a growing preference among Trump Republicans for a more independent and less cooperative U.S. role on the world stage, with a greater inclination to use military force to address perceived most pressing threats, such as China, 'Iran and migration across the US-Mexico border. This trend signals a waning appetite among the GOP electorate to maintain the current level and form of U.S. international engagement, particularly regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/repubblicani-stati-uniti-partecipazione-affari-mondiali/ on Fri, 01 Mar 2024 06:40:44 +0000.