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The legacy of the G7 in Puglia

The legacy of the G7 in Puglia

G7 in Puglia: results, hopes and scenarios. Guiglia's notebook

For the first time a Pope, our Francis, took part and spoke at the summit of a G7 – the seven countries with the most important economies in the world -, to urge politicians to make good use of artificial intelligence, "a tool fascinating and tremendous."

For the first time, and after months of inconclusive discussions, the most representative nations of the West have decided to make a turning point in the reaffirmed defense of Ukraine, allocating 50 billion dollars to the reconstruction of the attacked country with a loan system based on withdrawal of interest on frozen assets to the aggressor country. The invader will pay the price for the war he started.

But not for the first time, the seventh summit chaired by Italy in beautiful Puglia, which concludes its work today, saw our country recognized for the international role it deserves. Like in 2021 when Mario Draghi led the G20 in Rome, confirming the paradox: only Italians underestimate the universal weight and enchantment of Italy.

The recognition came from the participants themselves, from the US President Joe Biden to the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, to the Argentinian and "outsider" Javier Milei, because the meetings were extended to all the institutions and protagonists of the changing world. The rest was seen with the "politics of gestures", the hugs, kisses and applause that Giorgia Meloni, the Prime Minister and hostess, received. With the exception of Emmanuel Macron's kiss of reparation to his enemy Meloni, with whom he has an ancient and unresolved account of mutual political antipathy, which he reopened due to the failure to explicitly mention the right to abortion in the draft. But it was implicit, the hostess replied to the intrusive guest: the G7 text of 2023 was cited, which contained the concept.

Of course, if the Prime Minister was able to assert the Italian agenda of the Mattei plan for Africa and of a "coalition against migrant trafficking" – as in the final declarations -, if she was able to contribute to evoking the Indo- Pacific, calling for an agreement in the Middle East and relaunching nuclear power "as a source of clean energy", is also because at the big table she is the only one with a fresh electoral victory in the European elections.

All the others have taken a beating (from Macron to Scholz, to the Japanese Kishida) or risk taking one in their next elections, like the British Sunak, the Canadian Trudeau and Biden himself.

And then the serious dangers in the world: the G7 had to decide now or never.

The government must not waste, then, the good result it has been able to build also in bilateral meetings. A result of Western harmony obtained not in the name of a political majority (among other things, four of the seven Big Ones are centre-left exponents), but rather in the exclusive interest of Italy.

(Published in L'Arena di Verona, Il Giornale di Vicenza, Bresciaoggi and Gazzetta di Mantova)


This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/leredita-del-g7-in-puglia/ on Mon, 17 Jun 2024 07:58:35 +0000.