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The paradoxes of the left

The paradoxes of the left

Thanks to the mainstream media, the left is the majority with its arguments but is increasingly a real minority in the country. Paola Sacchi's note

In the almost total paralysis of the left, starting with the deep crisis into which the Democratic Party has plunged into a self-referential congressional debate with no real programs for the country, even a point or comma of distinction within the government majority mainstream media narrative amplified as if they were opposition instead of the real one to the government which in fact does not exist. If not at the testimonial level on positions of extremist drift chasing the pentastellato leader Giuseppe Conte.

And so, on justice, Silvio Berlusconi's words in clear defense of Minister Carlo Nordio are contrasted with those of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni who intervened in defense of the Minister of Justice, strongly supported by her (Nordio is also a deputy elected with FdI) target of head-on attacks low of the dem, as usual in tow of the "red robes", while emphasizing that they do not want to make a reform with the clash with the judiciary.

But if one goes right to look at Berlusconi's speech, even the blue leader underlines that "the vast majority of magistrates" do their job, "without ideological positions".

Then, it is natural in the physiological dialectic in the center-right alliance, plural and not monolithic, that each political force exalts its own role, especially in view of the imminent regional elections in Lombardy and Lazio . It is clear that Forza Italia exalts its primacy on the guarantor front and the premier, who is also president of a party like FdI where the positions on justice have not always coincided with those of FI, despite having arrived at the great news of wanting a liberal minister and guarantor like Nordio, has a mediation role, for its own institutional role.

But the real point remains another and that is the paralysis of an opposition regressed to a testimonial role from an extremist and radical drift from where attacks are launched every two by three even on the most reasonable and common sense positions such as those expressed by Nordio on wiretaps in which it is reiterated that these will remain for mafia and terrorism and related crimes, while instead there is to correct, eliminate the abuse that has been made of them to the point of involving people totally unrelated to the proceedings but ended up in the newspapers, interceptions used as if they were evidence and not tool to look for evidence, what they should be.

A topic that was raised by the same reform, which later proved to be ineffective, by the former justice minister, the dem Andrea Orlando. But every time in the Democratic Party the password of the whole back applies. In the frantic and instrumental search for a theme from which to start again, the ghosts of a fascism that no longer exist are rekindled with the same backwards method and they ask for resignation in a distant and disconnected litany from the real country.

In the end, only the western choice made by Enrico Letta to defend Ukraine, confirmed yesterday in the Chamber, albeit with internal distinctions, was the only right move by a party now surpassed in the polls by Conte's Five Stars. Paradoxically, in fact, that choice was followed by others by Letta himself in a run-up to the pentastellati and the more extremist left which led to a sort of cupio dissolvi which none of the candidates in the primaries seems to put an end to. And so the opposition that doesn't exist in the media narrative is also sought in the periods and commas of the physiological dialectic within a centre-right coalition that continues to grow in all polls.

Despite the paradox of a mainstream media narrative where the left is increasingly a minority in the country with its arguments continues to be a majority. And a gas station strike, however scaled down, returns to supply paper fuel to a government alternative that does not exist.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/sinistra-paradossi/ on Wed, 25 Jan 2023 06:46:49 +0000.