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The quirinalizio Berlusconi now also praises M5S and citizenship income

The quirinalizio Berlusconi now also praises M5S and citizenship income

What Silvio Berlusconi does and says

Of all the most recent photos by Silvio Berlusconi, the one that is best done is certainly the last. Which resumes the former prime minister in excellent condition, satisfied with the third dose of vaccine against Covid. And never mind if it is not "the anti-traitor vaccine" which instead seems more opportune and urgent to the good Pietro Senaldi, who wrote about Libero also talking about the race of the Arcore man at the Quirinale.

But these are days in which Berlusconi seems optimistic, confident, open, with that "sun in his pocket" that he used to advise his employees in the annual meetings of sympathy and encouragement, so that they could do like him the dispensers of smiles and good news, hiding the bad ones to exorcise them.

While his poor deputy and faithful Antonio Tajani, still stuck at the problem of a few days earlier that emerged from Giorgia Meloni's concerns that the Knight was tempted to negotiate with the Democratic Party on the Quirinale, ruled out to Corriere della Sera that there could be "a table with the Democratic Party" , in fact, on the succession to Sergio Mattarella, a paciosissimo Berlusconi explained to the director himself of Tempo , Franco Bechis, that we must also stop talking badly or being wary of the 5 Star Movement. They are no longer disguised Nazis, feared by him at least before the 2018 elections, those who – again he – would not even hire as cleaners of the toilets of his companies, but generous and well-intentioned people, also deserving of that income of citizenship that has helped a lot of " poor ", men, women or of the other sex still "born as Forza Italia – he said literally – to change the country". And if they have not yet succeeded in the best possible way, this has only happened because they have not yet opened up enough to collaborate with the force forces, even though they have participated together since February in the emergency majority and whatever else gathered around Mario Draghi's government.

To this unpublished Berlusconi but not too much, having already happened to describe himself as "convex or concave" according to the opportunities of the moment, which only the wickedness of the irreducible enemies presents in the headlines as the usual trafficker who would be trying to "buy" more or less big voters on the road to the Quirinale, having earmarked something like "60 million" euros for this investment, according to the evaluations fired today on the entire front page of Carlo De Benedetti's daily Domani ; to this unpublished Berlusconi, as I was saying, he addressed himself as a peacemaker, after 30 years of war between the judiciary and politics that began with the "Mani clean" judicial investigation, a specialist on the subject like the judicial reporter Goffredo Buccini. Who, author of a somewhat disenchanted and even self-critical book, wrote verbatim yesterday in Corriere della Sera: “A public figure capable of greatly improving the climate would still be on the pitch. As paradoxical as it may seem, it is precisely Berlusconi: who, without abjurations or confessions, of course, but only discarding with a gesture, a sentence, a message, the clothes of a persecuted of justice in which he armored himself (also) for reasons defensive, could open a new season by dismantling the bogus myths of the previous one ". "An even more exciting mission than the mirage of the Colle: to help the Italians of tomorrow enter the future without unnecessary burdens" would await him. Oh my God: he is asked in short – if I have not misunderstood – a contrite step back, to the advantage of someone yet to be identified

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/il-quirinalizio-berlusconi-ora-elogia-pure-m5s-e-reddito-di-cittadinanza/ on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 08:49:44 +0000.