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The second wave of Covid? The discos open in the summer are not included. Word of prof. Lopalco

The second wave of Covid? The discos open in the summer are not included. Word of prof. Lopalco

The epidemiologist Pierluigi Lopalco, regional councilor for health in Puglia, today said: “During the summer the virus circulated very little. What we see is the natural course of the pandemic. Discos could stay open because there were no positives, it's very simple. There were crowded people, but not positive ".

The new government Dpcm? It will certainly have to foresee “a limitation of contacts between people that are not strictly necessary. Social aggregations must be limited ".

Schools? “We can think of keeping elementary schools open”.

The discos open this summer? “The discos could stay open because there were no positives, it's very simple. There were crowded people, but not positive ".

Word of the virologist Pierluigi Lopalco today regional councilor for health in Puglia during today's broadcast Omnibus on La7 conducted by Alessandra Sardoni.

Here is what Lopalco said surprisingly, despite the narration that has taken place in recent weeks also due to the government's decision to close the discos after August 15th.


What connection is there between this second wave of Covid and the clubs opened this summer? Simple, there are no ties according to the epidemiologist Pierluigi Lopalco today regional councilor for health in Puglia. “During the summer the virus circulated very little. What we see is the natural course of the pandemic because the virus cannot be erased from the population. Discos could stay open because there were no positives, it's very simple. There were crowded people, but not positive. For example: Puglia is narrow and long, tourism has had its boom in Salento, the heel of Italy, and there have been crowded discos and a lot of people on the street. Today Salento is the area of ​​Puglia least affected by the pandemic. So the problem is that local situations need to be monitored, ”Lopalco remarked.


The new government Dpcm? It will certainly have to foresee “a limitation of contacts between people that are not strictly necessary. Social aggregations must be limited ”, said the councilor for health in Puglia, a guest this morning of Omnibus on La7. Lopalco, with regard to the measures necessary to counter the increase in infections, suggested the necessary behaviors to overcome the moment: "If we do the curfew at 18, then the aperitif on the weekend is done at 16. We don't have to do it right the aperitif, we must not celebrate at this time and must be postponed for a few weeks. You really have to go to work, go home and read a good book. This must be the life of Italians for the next 2-3 weeks ”.


On the issue relating to the closure of schools, the epidemiologist, as stated in recent days, reiterated that "we can think of keeping elementary schools open".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/sanita/la-seconda-ondata-di-covid-le-discoteche-aperte-in-estate-non-centrano-parola-del-prof-lopalco/ on Mon, 02 Nov 2020 14:30:14 +0000.