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The strabismus of Italian bishops

The strabismus of Italian bishops

Cautious and late on non-negotiable principles, the CEI is unleashed on institutional reforms. Sacconi's Canto libero

The CEI's position on differentiated autonomy and premiership is truly incredible. Traditionally cautious and late on political initiatives aimed at questioning "non-negotiable principles", from the trivialization of abortion to suicide assistance for depressed people, to gender fluidity, the Conference of Italian Bishops is unleashed as never before on questionable and opined in the Italian political debate.

The Calderoli proposal wants to implement the constitutional criterion introduced by the center-left and the one on the direct election of the prime minister crowns a long debate that began already in the constituent assembly with Prof. Mortati and then continued with De Gasperi's "majority bonus" and the presidentialism of Craxi and Berlusconi. Now it seems that those bishops (not all!) "did not read the texts and did not like them".

We ask ourselves the reason for such collateralism on the political left and some raise the nervousness about the changes to the 8×1000 regime, designed by Tremonti and desired by Craxi. In truth, the introduction of the categories of expenditure eligible by the taxpayer to make the allocation to the State more attractive would have been the responsibility of the Conte government while now only a new item would be added.

Then there are those who talk about the initiative of a few that would have shocked the President of the CEI himself. What is certain is that the controversy is unprecedented, it goes outside the proper field of Italian pastors and is exposed to the accusation of asymmetry with the themes referable to Christian anthropology.

Maurizio Sacconi

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vescovi-cei-autonomia-differenziata-premierato/ on Sat, 31 Aug 2024 06:05:09 +0000.