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This is how Iran and Israel go to war between Russia and Ukraine

This is how Iran and Israel go to war between Russia and Ukraine

According to the Washington Post, Iran is strengthening its commitment to supplying weapons to Russia, where it is sending strike drones and could send missiles. Meanwhile, Israel also takes the field, which says it is ready to provide military aid to Ukraine. Facts and insights

Not only Iran, Israel is also ready to provide military aid in the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Tehran is reportedly preparing new arms shipments for Russia that include not only drones, but also Fateh-110 and Zolfaghar missiles – capable of reaching targets 300 and 700 kilometers away respectively – for use on the ground in Ukraine. TheWashington Post revealed yesterday, citing US military sources aware of the dossier.

In recent weeks, Ukraine has reported a series of Russian attacks with Iranian-made Shahed-136 drones . So far Iran has denied providing the drones to Russia, while the Kremlin has not commented.

While Kiev's air defenses were overwhelmed by the wave of attacks, now Israel, which has so far remained neutral during the war, has intervened.

"Iran's delivery of ballistic missiles to Russia is a call for Israel to provide military aid to Ukraine," Israeli minister for the Diaspora, Nachman Shai said yesterday in a tweet .

If Israel armed Ukraine it would "destroy" relations with Russia. This is the warning of Dmitry Medvedev, former president of the Russian Federation and current vice president of the Kremlin Security Council, the media reported.

Meanwhile, EU foreign ministers meeting in Luxembourg could consider further sanctions against Iran in case of concrete evidence on the supply of drones to Russia, said EU High Representative Josep Borrell, reports Reuters .

All the details.


According to the Washington Post , Iranian authorities are preparing to transfer a batch of ballistic missiles to Russia.

Tehran is assuming an increasingly central role in supporting Moscow and on 18 September it would send its own delegation to Russia to set the terms for a new arms delivery. These would include two types of Iranian-made surface-to-surface missiles, the Fateh-110 and the Zolfaghar. This would be the first shipment of such missiles to Russia since the start of the war in Ukraine.

However, the Islamic Republic has already provided Moscow with military drones that have been used in several attacks on Ukrainian targets, as recently confirmed by the US Department of Defense, although Tehran has always denied having delivered any drones to Russia.


Yet in recent weeks the remains of Shahed and Mohajer-6 drones have been recovered on the ground in Ukraine, both Iranian-made, but repainted and renamed by the Russians in Cyrillic script. The same Mohajer-6 and Shahed-136s, according to sources cited by the Washington Post , are also present in large numbers in the arms shipments that Iran is preparing these days.

The Washington Post and CNN also reported in the summer that Iran had sent a batch of unmanned aerial vehicles to Russia. According to the media, Tehran had sent the Mohajer-6, Shahed-129 and Shahed-191 drones to Russia on August 19. On 6 October, Ukrainian authorities reported that they had managed to shoot down nine Iranian kamikaze Shahed-136 drones, known in Russia as Geranium, at night in the south of the country.


The Shahed-136 is a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that explodes on impact with the target. Due to its propensity to fly directly to targets, it is called a "kamikaze" drone.

Reports state that Tehran has several variants of Shahed drones. Although Iran has provided little information, the triangle-shaped Shahed is said to have a range of around 2,000 kilometers and can carry a warhead weighing up to 36 kg. The Shahed-136 drones are made by the Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industrial Company, a company subject to US sanctions, reports the specialized portal militaryfactory.com .


However, Iran reiterated this morning that it had not provided Russia with drones for use in Ukraine.

“The news published on Iran providing drones to Russia has political ambitions and is being circulated by Western sources. We have not supplied weapons to any part of the warring countries, ”Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said during a press conference.

"We have defense cooperation with Russia , but our policy regarding the war in Ukraine is not about sending weapons to the warring parties, stopping the war and ending the displacement of people," said the foreign minister. Iranian Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in a telephone conversation with EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Friday.


And even Israel has so far not sent armaments into the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Although it has sent repeated shipments of humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Israel has repeatedly rejected Kiev's requests for defense weapons, particularly missile defense systems that could make a difference in repelling Russian airstrikes.

As the Times of Israel reports, the refusal is seen as an attempt by Jerusalem to maintain relations with Moscow, due to Russian control of Syrian airspace, where the Israeli air force intervened against alleged Iranian arms shipments and to prevent to groups supported by Tehran to establish a foothold. Russia has largely turned a blind eye to Israeli airstrikes, though ties between Jerusalem and Moscow have suffered as Israel condemned its invasion of its neighbor.

But now the Jewish state could intervene by sending weapons to Kiev as announced by the Israeli minister for the Diaspora, Nachman Shai. “A very rash move. It will destroy all relations between our countries ”, warned former Russian President Medvedev.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/ecco-come-iran-e-israele-vanno-in-guerra-fra-russia-e-ucraina/ on Mon, 17 Oct 2022 13:58:45 +0000.