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This is how much Leonardo contributes to the Italian GDP. Prometeia report

This is how much Leonardo contributes to the Italian GDP. Prometeia report

All the details of the Prometeia 2022 study on Leonardo's contribution to the Italian and regional economy

Leonardo, the defense and aerospace giant, generates 10 billion, 0.6% of the Italian GDP.

This is what emerges from the Prometeia 2022 study aimed at representing Leonardo's impact on the Italian and regional economy, presented today during the event “The aerospace supply chain. Defense and security in Lombardy” at the Assolombarda headquarters in Milan.

In particular, in the productive ecosystem of Lombardy, it highlights that the company is the fulcrum of a supply chain that contributes overall to the regional GDP with approximately 2.7 billion euros, equal to 0.8% of the total (+28% compared to 2018) . The value brings Lombardy to the top of the ranking in Italy for incidence on the GDP produced at regional level by Leonardo and every euro of added value created by the company generates, on average, two additional euros on the territory.

Furthermore, for the aerospace sector, "2023 starts positively because investments are growing all over the world in the world of defense and security and therefore it is a sector that is growing significantly" declared the CEO of Leonardo, Alessandro Profumo, speaking with journalists on the sidelines of the event. “For us – he continued – the civil component is recovering : we produce fuselages for Boeing, Airbus and ATR, passengers are growing again, so the demand for new aircraft is starting up again”.

All the details.


As the Prometeia study summarizes, the production ecosystem led by Leonardo is made up of over 4,000 companies, of which 87% are SMEs, with more than 125,000 employees overall, and generates 0.6% of the Italian GDP, thanks to 10 billion euros of added value. A figure that represents 1.4% of the value produced by the entire national industry and 13% of the Italian high-tech industry, underlines the note from the group in Piazza Monte Grappa.

Specifically, the company led by Alessandro Profumo develops revenues of 9.5 billion euros on the Italian territory, employing over 31,000 workers, and exports 75% of its production which, in 2021, is worth 1.4% of all exports of goods to Italy, achieving labor productivity 50% higher than the Italian average.


From the data contained in the Prometeia 2022 report (relating to the year 2021), it emerges that ten Leonardo employees in Lombardy support, on average, an additional 33 additional employees for a total of 30,000 employees of the local ecosystem, a value that has grown by 30% compared to the 2018. The more than 1,300 companies in the supply chain, with an 80% incidence of SMEs, move about 900 million euros of ordered volume, positioning Lombardy as the first Region for spending on goods and services from the Leonardo system. Furthermore, the Region is the one in which the value of investments in the company's Research & Development activities is greatest, reaching 382 million euros, equal to 9.6% on a regional total basis.


In the Lombardy Region, the Leonardo Group is present with six main offices, between Varese, Brescia and Nerviano – active in the business of helicopters, aircraft, electronics and cybersecurity – for over 7,000 employees; thanks to the presence of Leonardo, the Lombardy region is among the few in the world that can boast a complete aircraft capacity, both in the fixed wing and in the rotary wing, as well as advanced skills in the space field.

The average productivity of the work, characterized by a high mix of skills, fueled by Leonardo is 17% higher than the regional average and Leonardo's supply chain represents 12% of the entire hi-tech industry in Lombardy. The innovative activities, which find further nourishment in the work carried out by the Leonardo Labs – the technological hubs dedicated to the research and development of frontier technologies – present in Lombardy, are included in an ecosystem made up of companies, institutions and universities. In this context, the collaboration already underway between the industrial world and regional institutions is essential to ensure concrete support for a strategic supply chain at local and national level.


Returning to the national base, the multiplier of Leonardo's added value is equal to 2.9: this means that for every single euro generated by the Group, an additional 1.9 is created for the entire Italian economy.


Finally, moving on to the employment multiplier, this stands at 3.9: ten employees in the Group support, on average, a further 28 additional employees in the economy, with 0.4% of national employment supported by Leonardo and its supply chain. Compared to 2018, the Prometeia 2022 study underlines how the total impact of the Leonardo Group's activities on the Italian economy has grown by 18%, in terms of added value produced, and by 16%, in terms of employees: the result is the result an expansion of the Group's direct activities and purchases within its Italian supply chain.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/ecco-quanto-contribuisce-leonardo-al-pil-italiano-report-prometeia/ on Mon, 23 Jan 2023 14:40:56 +0000.