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Tim Cook’s Passion for Pope Francis

Tim Cook's Passion for Pope Francis

Pope Francis, who has often said that people should restrict the use of cell phones, granted a private audience to Apple CEO Tim Cook on Monday. And this is not the first time that Tim Cook visits the Pope

Private audience with the Pope in the Vatican for Apple's number one, the Cupertino tech giant.

Pope Francis received Timothy Donald Cook – better known as Tim Cook – CEO of Apple on the morning of Monday 3 October in audience in the Vatican. This was reported by the Bulletin of the Holy See Press Office.

The pontiff, who has often said that people should limit the use of cell phones and privilege personal communication, then granted a private audience to Apple's CEO. Cook, who was appointed CEO on August 24, 2011, heads a company whose stock market value reached $ 3 trillion in June. These days he is visiting Italy and other European countries and last week he received an honorary degree from the Federico II University of Naples.

Just to the students in Naples Cook told his excitement for the future of artificial intelligence technologies, foreseeing that it will be a "fundamental and horizontal technology that will touch everything in our lives".

Additionally, Pope Francis has frequently met with technology company executives in recent years, recalls the Catholic News Agency . Elon Musk, the head of Tesla and SpaceX, posted a photo with the pope on Twitter last June. The pope had already met Cook in 2016, the year in which he also hosted Google CEO (then Eric Schmidt) and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in the Vatican.


The content of the hearing is notoriously private, but technology is likely to have been one of the topics covered.

The pope has a mixed relationship with cell phones, Reuters comments. While the pontiff often allows people to take selfies with him, he also warned people against becoming slaves to cell phones and other forms of technology, the news agency recalls. "Free yourself from addiction to cell phones," Pope Francis told young people in 2019. "When you become a slave to your cell phone, you lose your freedom." On other occasions, he said that it is sad that people use their mobile phones at the dinner table or during mass.

Finally, Pope Francis also spoke about the future of artificial intelligence. In November 2020, the pope called on Catholics around the world, as part of his monthly prayer intention, to pray that robotics and artificial intelligence always remain in the service of humans, rather than the other way around.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/la-passione-di-tim-cook-per-papa-francesco/ on Tue, 04 Oct 2022 05:18:18 +0000.