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Ustica, everything behind Bonfietti’s attack on Meloni

Ustica, everything behind Bonfietti's attack on Meloni

Much ado about nothing (or almost) for the attack of the newspaper Manifesto on the Ustica Committee (non-existent). Facts and insights in the article by Luigi Pereira

The maneuver to change Rai's top management? Tridico 's departure from INPS? The decree that "limits" the age of foreign directors of Italian theaters to 70, which alarmed Le Monde , the big magazine of French magazines? Trifles and pinzillacchere, Totò would have said.

The big political issue that is shaking even the progressive world is the renewal of the Ustica Committee, even a fascist attack on democracy. Il Manifesto , which on 7 May launched it on the front page with an unpublished headline (" The government gets its hands on the Ustica Committee ") and concluded on page 6 with the equally original tirade: "Fascism is not only a black shirt and a portrait of Mussolini, the attack on democracy can come from widespread violence against institutions, civil organizations, from the conquest of spaces in any way, from non-respect for rules, for sentences.

Too bad the Ustica Committee doesn't exist.

There is, rather, an "Advisory Committee on the activities of transferring to the State Archives and to the Central State Archives the documentation referred to in the Directives of the President of the Council of Ministers of 22 April 2014 and 2 August 2021" ( CC ) . Created in 2016, the CC is a very technical body, whose job it is not to write history but to help ensure that the documentation for writing it is preserved and made accessible to all. Representatives of the state archives, representatives of the associations of families of the victims of the massacres (from Piazza Fontana to Bologna station, passing through Piazza della Loggia and Ustica), the Flamigni Archive, and "university professors, archivists, historians and researchers ”.

This body with a Wertmullerian name is unknown to most and irrelevant in the geography of power. It has a one-year mandate, during which it meets very few times, with a budget of 5,000 euros (2021) for the reimbursement of travel expenses. Initially presided over by the superintendent of the Central State Archive, upon its reconstitution in September 2021 he was incardinated directly to the Presidency of the Council and entrusted to the Secretary General. The CC expired with Draghi, but within four months the Meloni government reconstituted it.

The DPCM has the date of February 17, 2023, but the bubo bursts when the first meeting is called. In the summoning letter dated April 21, two Luiss professors (Francesco Perfetti and Giovanni Orsina, as reported by the Bologna edition of Corriere della Sera) are addressed, as well as the Association for the Truth about the Air Crash of Ustica (AVDAU), represented remotely by the honorary president Giuliana De Faveri Tron and in the presence of Gregory Alegi.

Open up heaven! Not so much because none of the new entries was part of the previous CC as because on paper they have a different DNA from the others. For the record, Sergio Flamigni, Daria Bonfietti (family members of Ustica) and Paolo Bolognesi (family members of the station) are all former PCI/PDS/PD parliamentarians.

The offensive starts. On 26 April, the mayor of Bologna Matteo Lepore attacked the inclusion of the AVDAU on Facebook. On 3 May Lepore, Bonfietti and Bolognesi attacked the professors and the AVDAU at a press conference. On May 4, on the eve of the meeting, Bonfietti hangs up on an online newspaper. On 5 May, at the meeting, the three associations, all with two representatives, attack with photocopied reasons: they have not been consulted (but in the directives there is no trace of any obligation to approve) and the AVDAU has nothing to do with it with them.

It is Bolognesi who discovers the game, who, as already on 3 May, clearly states that the hypothesis of a bomb on the DC-9 Itavia is worrying above all because it could have been planted by the Palestinians, and this could link the destruction of the plane on 27 June with the massacre of the station on 2 August. «Let's remember, Bonfietti reiterates (in the photo) in the Manifesto , that wanting to place a bomb on the DC-9 Itavia means opening a door to that "Ustica calls Bologna" (Arabic bomb here and there) which is the extreme neo-fascist bulwark for defense of those convicted of the Bologna station massacre.

In short, discovering the perpetrators of the destruction of the DC-9 is of little interest ("we know it was the French", says Bonfietti, after having accused the Americans and the Saratoga aircraft carrier for years). What matters is the appeal process against Gilberto Cavallini and Paolo Bellini. The Ustica Committee is a Bologna Committee.

And the new entries? The professors kept silent and AVDAU limited itself to thanking for the inclusion, complaining about the offenses and suggesting that declassifications and payments extend to minor proceedings parallel to the main one (always without convictions, it goes without saying) and to the protocol registers of the administrations, without which it would be impossible to verify any omissions.

That's all? That's all. The great bard would have said «Much ado about nothing», but perhaps the traditional «The tongue strikes where the tooth aches» is more valid.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/ustica-tutto-quello-che-ce-dietro-lattacco-di-bonfietti-a-meloni/ on Mon, 08 May 2023 07:25:37 +0000.