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Vittorio Feltri is also free to make the grillino

Vittorio Feltri is also free to make the grillino

As a surprise grille, Libero Quotidiano directed by Vittorio Feltri and Pietro Senaldi

Vittorio Feltri confirmed in Libero , of which he is editorial director, leaving the inconvenience of complaints and accessories to the responsible director, has shown that a moderate – if it can be considered such both in the original version and in the imitation that Maurizio Crozza makes of him – when 'raging can do and do more damage than a madman, in the hyperbolic sense of the word.

Faced with the lack of the so-called quorum which occurred twice in a row in the House, voting on a document proposed by the Giallorossi majority and preparatory to the new extension of the viral state of emergency coming from the government with the usual decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, the journalist prince of a newspaper naturally free to make mistakes also liquidated the approximately 100 absentees, of which about forty justified between missions and motivated warnings, as "unworthy cowards", "deserters", "unable to live up to the role covered "And more. And he set them against the doctors, nurses and other hospital employees who, even at the cost of dying, as unfortunately really happened, have done their job in these dangerous times of viral epidemic. Which has also appeared in Parliament, despite the precautionary measures adopted and the destination, for example, of the historic "transatlantic" Montecitorio as an appendix to the classroom, for which journalists and deputies interested in speaking, let's say, must distribute themselves among the corridors of the palace and the courtyard, usually associated by image with domestic animals.

It has not in the least occurred to a journalist despite the experience of Vittorio Feltri that the reasons for the absences, at least the unjustified ones, may have been legitimate, very ordinary, well-known and ancient political reasons, for dissent or protest against the management of the works of classroom, too often conditioned by the pressures, errors and imprudence of the government. That on this occasion, for example, he should have spared the haste that I have been "suggested" to repeat after an hour, in the literal application of the regulation, the failed vote in conditions that are difficult to remedy in a short time, even if in the second vote – this must also be said – only eight deputies were missing to ensure the attendance necessary for the legitimacy of the result. The absences may have been instrumental as well as the applause of the opposition to the event.

It is curious, damn curious that just as the crisis of the most demagogic and anti-parliamentarian movement of the political market matures, whose founder, guarantor and so on has just relaunched the idea of ​​drawing lots and no longer electing deputies and senators, moreover already reduced from 945 to 600 from the next legislature onwards; just at the moment, I said, in which this quasi-party loses cartloads of votes and risks a split to avoid which anticipates the opening of the complex congressional path of the so-called States General, and "physical", as specified by the "regent ”Vito Crimi, however destined to lead to the usual digital solution managed by the increasingly controversial private“ platform ”of Davide Casaleggio, anti-parliamentarianism is re-launched by a declared opponent or in any case a protester of grillism .

At least at Mass one says at a certain point "mystery of faith". Here I don't really know what a mystery it is.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vittorio-feltri-e-libero-pure-di-fare-il-grillino/ on Wed, 07 Oct 2020 05:00:24 +0000.