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War propaganda, who to believe? The analysis of prof. Parsi (Catholic)

War propaganda, who to believe? The analysis of prof. Parsi (Catholic)

Fifth in a series of insights into the book “Titanic. Shipwreck or change of course for the liberal order " written by the professor of international relations, Vittorio Emanuele Parsi, who talks with Alessandro Albanese Ginammi

Russian propaganda versus American propaganda, what to believe?

This is one of the questions answered by Vittorio Emanuele Parsi , full professor of International Relations at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and director of ASERI (High School of Economics and International Relations), during a conversation with Alessandro Albanese Ginammi (researcher in Economic history at the University for Foreigners of Perugia).

The Professor analyzes the double version on the war in Ukraine, trying to bring order between the facts and the disinformation.

“Propaganda is the way to sell a product, but let's look at what the product is, on the one hand open societies, on the other closed ones, on the one hand an authoritarian model and on the other a democratic one. In the Russian case, it is the Kremlin that decides what information to disseminate, while in open societies information is free, or at least tries to be. Let us not forget that a great megaphone of anti-Americanism, right and left, is also that of the economic affairs that exist between some EU countries and Russia. There is a very large coalition that supports Russia ”.

The Professor also answers the question regarding Putin's plan to divide the European Union internally and to separate it from the United States. Is the US interested in a war in Ukraine? Do they have an interest in pushing the European Union into a confrontation with Putin?

The video also explores the objectives and obstacles of the European integration process.

(5. fine )

( here, here, here and here the first four videos)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/propaganda-di-guerra-a-chi-credere-lanalisi-del-prof-parsi-cattolica/ on Sun, 22 May 2022 06:13:20 +0000.