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What happens in the government majority?

What happens in the government majority?

Because the League's moves are at the center of the political debate. Paola Sacchi's note

“Giancarlo Giorgetti and I, according to the newspapers, embarrassed by Salvini's decision? All ca … you! ". Massimo Garavaglia, Minister of Tourism, Bocconi League player, or the other strongman of the League in government together with the Minister of Economic Development and the Minister for Disability Erika Stefani, as he darted through the courtyard of Montecitorio, dribbling journalists, liquidates with the chronicler in a sonorous, tranchant but also a little amused way, the now automatic narration of the mainstream press of the usual suspects on the divisions in the League, in the usual strenuous attempt to make a division between "good" and bad, indeed only one "bad" , or rather the same leader Salvini.

A very old script now, cultivated for years on the left, which however is showing more and more the rope. Garavaglia together with Giorgetti will probably also have a little smile, as at other times, in front of some background with the flavor of "same beach, same sea", which yesterday seemed almost yellowed photocopies of the reconstructions released during the summer of "Papeete". But these are no longer times of narration from the same beach, the same sea.

The Northern League leader, in a party that has always been structured in such a way that there is only one at the end to make the synthesis, has plastically demonstrated, with the webinar meeting yesterday morning of all the general staff, starting from the territory represented by the governors, that that not to vote on the reopening decree in the council of ministers is a decision of the whole party. But Salvini also stressed, as he had already done yesterday, that the League does not intend to give up the Draghi government at all. "If I forget it!", He would have said during the meeting of the secretariat regarding any wishes of the Pd and 5s to throw the League out of the majority. “If I forget it”, therefore, just to clarify that there will be no “Papeete” or “mini-Papeete”. And that therefore, despite the dissent on the curfew, for him MarioDraghi is not Giuseppe Conte.

Indeed, the Northern League leader stresses that he has heard the premier on the phone several times and that he is already working on another decree aimed at getting the country back in safety and reviving it. But he also reiterates that the League does not accept choices in a poke, and if he points out "that a mistake has been made" it is for an attitude with a "loyal spirit, as a friend does". He also underlines that with him is the Italy of trade organizations, self-employment, widespread entrepreneurship. And compared to those who press him on the fact of undergoing the competition of his ally Giorgia Meloni, who remained in the opposition, Salvini does not fail to reserve a dig at the Brothers of Italy, once again claiming his choice to enter the government and to stay there : "If we had chosen to stand outside the window to protest we would have had zero chance of affecting the choices."

Massimo Bitonci, former mayor of Padua, even before Cittadella, one of the Lega's symbolic administrators, now responsible for the Productive Activities party, underlines with the reporter the sense of "loyalty" to Salvini's Draghi. Bitonci reiterates that behind the request to trigger the curfew at least at 11pm there is a precise choice to give a signal to the categories in distress: "For a restaurateur, what is liquidated only as an hour is instead decisive in order not to skip at least one workshift. It would also be a way of not concentrating the work all together and then we would risk creating a crowd effect. After all, why aren't there already in certain lines at the supermarket or on the buses? And aren't those risky? ".

Alessandro Cattaneo, the young head of the Forza Italia departments, who despite being for the reopening in the end did not follow the League in not voting in the Council of Ministers, however, recognizes that now "corrections and improvements must be made on the curfew". This is what the Italian national coordinator Antonio Tajani himself affirms.

The secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta warns, however, that the League cannot continue to be a party of struggle and government. Salvini tranchant states that he does not want to answer to those who have worn “the sweatshirt (Open Arms) of those who would like to see me in jail”. Moreover, that of Letta "was not a relaxing gesture" is recognized objectively by a journalist like Alessandro De Angelis , from the left area, deputy director of the Huffington Post . One of the few who, in the mainstream, detaches himself from the chorus on certain "automatisms" in the narration on Salvini, while not sparing criticism of the Northern League leader.

As for the peremptory request from the left to Salvini to choose between struggle and government, a question arises spontaneously that refers to a somewhat forgotten past on the left, albeit not very distant. Does anyone remember Romano Prodi's second government, that of the Union, with ministers of the more radical left who even went to the streets against the premier himself? And to think that that was the government of only one political party.

In the end the Draghi government opens to mediation on the League's requests and those of the Regions themselves.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/che-cosa-succede-nella-maggioranza-di-governo/ on Fri, 23 Apr 2021 05:14:35 +0000.