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What is said about Draghi abroad. Italian restricted

What is said about Draghi abroad. Italian restricted

In ninety seconds what the international media write about Italy. Ristretto Italiano by Ruggero Po

(from www.ruggeropo.it)


Po, so from Monday 15 February dish up an Italian Ristretto every morning. What is that?

Ristretto Italiano comes out every morning at ten on the various podcast platforms, on my website ruggeropo.it and on the sites that want to relaunch it. It lasts 90 seconds, the classic minute and a half of radio and television services. I know that compared to the ideal duration of a podcast I could be even longer, but my radio nose tells me that, for news, this is the best time. In case I will stretch. I rely heavily on feedback.

How did the idea come about?

The idea came to me thinking of the years of Zapping , the only period I spent at RadioRai which I really miss; for the team and for the broadcast itself. It was I who introduced, alongside the titles of the Italian news programs, foreign newspapers. Which, however, it seems to me they no longer do. Back then, due to force majeure, we limited ourselves to those who spoke in English, Spanish or French. Today, with the help of the algorithm, I can translate from any language in the world. Thai too. Only Croatian and Slovenian are missing and I'm sorry, but I hope they will arrive soon.

Do you think you will find more "positive" or "negative" news about Italy?

I did about a month of zero tests, waiting for this launch, and I must say that the international media are lenient with us, they love us. They follow fashion closely, curiosities perhaps linked to the romantic image that Italians enjoy in the world. These days Draghi envies us, they underline the drop in the spread, they write that we are European champions in the vaccination campaign. Let's say that the digs on the Italian people, the "southern part of Europe", remain confined to the Germans, the Swiss and the Dutch.

And which ones will you prioritize?

In these days I am realizing that mechanically I am replicating the setting of the many GR1s that I made at dawn. It comes naturally to me to put politics, economics, news, society and sport. I call myself a little old by myself …

More politics or economics?

It depends on the periods. Now speaking of Italy, foreign newspapers speak above all of the government crisis. Less until Draghi appeared and now every day instead.

Then news or Covid?


How will you select the publications?

I look at everything that everyone writes during the day without making a distinction between the sites of historical newspapers, online newspapers, agencies, radio and TV. I place more caution for blogs but I don't reject them a priori. Since it happens that they comment on what happens in Italy even with several days of delay, I will give priority to the most recent news. Unless they are curiosities.

Why don't you think of a press review with Italian web newspapers only?

Have you ever seen? Maybe as soon as Ristretto Italiano takes off we think of a spin-off… Seriously, the TVs should incorporate that, continuing to 'resign' only the paper newspapers, are becoming anachronistic.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/che-cosa-si-dice-italia-allestero-il-mio-ristretto-italiano-2/ on Wed, 17 Feb 2021 08:28:09 +0000.