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What Leonardo will do in Japan

What Leonardo will do in Japan

All the details on the collaborations signed between the defense industries of Italy (Leonardo) and Japan.

The collaboration between the defense industries of Italy and Japan is consolidated.

The Italian aerospace and defense giant Leonardo will participate in DSEI Japan , starting in Tokyo on March 15, where it will exhibit technologies, products and systems in the aerospace, defense and security fields for the occasion.

Also in evidence is the sixth generation system of systems, also known as GCAP (Global Combat Air Program). The initiative promoted by London, with Rome and Tokyo to develop a sixth generation stealth fighter "sees Leonardo in a leading position within the innovative Italy-Japan-UK collaboration model " explains a note from the led company by Alessandro Profumo.

But Leonardo's presence in Japan is not recent: the group has been present in the country for over 40 years with more than 160 helicopters chosen by the Japanese Navy, the Coast Guard, the Police, and departments operating in the fire-fighting and SAR missions (Search and Rescue).

All the details.


As part of the most important sector event in the country, particular attention will be paid to Gcap, the program for the development of the sixth generation fighter in Italy, Japan and the UK, and of which Leonardo is a strategic partner.

“The Gcap will lead the technological revolution that will characterize our sector over the next fifty years” commented Guglielmo Maviglia, SVP Leonardo of the GCAP programme, adding that “It represents a challenge aimed at protecting and strengthening the technological and industrial sovereignty of the countries involved, ensuring prosperity, safeguarding distinctive skills, return to employment and competitiveness. It will be a great challenge because we have to develop a system of multi-domain systems, with the aircraft that will remain the core platform and the various assets that will be interconnected generating an integrated system, ranging from unmanned platforms to armaments, capable of communicating with the 5 domains , land, sea, air, cyber and space”.


Just last week, a friendly meeting took place between Defense Minister Guido Crosetto and Japanese Ambassador Satoshi Suzuki. As reported by a tweet from the Ministry of Defense, among the topics covered: technological cooperation between Italy and Japan and effective collaboration in the industrial and defense sector confirmed by the Gcap program.

Furthermore, a meeting between the defense ministers of the three countries involved in the project, Ben Wallace, Yasukazu Hamada and Guido Crosetto, is expected in Tokyo by the end of the month . They will discuss the progress of the project. The new program aims to have the new operating system around 2035.


As the company's note explains, Leonardo will be the protagonist thanks to the key role it plays within the GCAP program for the development of sensors for the sixth generation fighter.

Specifically, the ISANKE&ICS (Integrated Sensing and Non-Kinetic Effects & Integrated Communications System) technology that Leonardo, Elettronica and the Japanese Mitsubishi Electric are developing, is configured as a "web" of interconnected systems capable of giving the aircraft superior capabilities in terms of sensors and self-protection.

In Leonardo's "Battle Lab", the study and evaluation of the future sixth generation air combat system is already underway, where the technologies defined as enabling are developed and tested. To do this, Leonardo has created a cutting-edge environment resulting from the combination of physical systems, synthetic and immersive reality, in which the aim is to validate new operational concepts well before having a demonstrator or flying prototype available. The digital simulator ideally reproduces what could be the cockpit of a sixth generation fighter, where only the stick and throttle of an aircraft are "physical" and where everything is virtual and augmented.


Over the years, Leonardo, which is based in Tokyo, has built a solid relationship with Japan that goes beyond the simple supply of products and services.

Today there is a close collaboration between the industries of the two countries also consolidated through licensing agreements with local industrial partners such as Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Mitsubishi Electric, Japan Radio Corporation, Japan Steel Works, to name a few. Furthermore, Leonardo collaborates locally with repair, maintenance and overhaul centres, distributors and resellers.


The AW139M multi-mission helicopter, the military version of the well-known AW139, was highlighted at Dsei. The AW139M performs a wide range of missions such as theater support, tactical troop transport, logistics support, close support, firefighting, command and control, medical evacuation, combat search and rescue (CSAR), maritime patrol and security national.

Without forgetting that the Japan Air Force has already chosen Leonardo's M-346 for the training of its student pilots.


Furthermore, at DSEI Japan Leonardo, as a global player in the defense electronics sector, will promote a series of advanced systems of interest for the Asia Pacific market. A key feature is the BriteCloud active “expendable” countermeasure, unique in the field of countermeasures for the protection of combat aircraft.

Also on display are fixed and mobile multi-domain and multi-domain radars (air, land, sea), with AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) mechanical and electronic scanning technology, used for air, land and sea surveillance and defense tasks, capable of detecting, classifying and tracking multiple targets simultaneously.
The IFF (Identification Friend/Foe) friend/foe identification systems that allow crews to recognize friendly forces in real time and identify potentially hostile ones, through an exchange of encrypted signals. This technology, of which Leonardo is a global leader, has already been chosen by the Japanese Armed Forces (Japan Ground Self Defense Forces – JGSDF).

Finally, according to Leonardo Dsei, it will be an opportunity to present the Vulcano family of ammunition with 155 mm calibers in the land version and 127 mm in the naval one.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/cosa-fara-leonardo-in-giappone/ on Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:16:07 +0000.