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What will Musk and Trump do together?

What will Musk and Trump do together?

According to the Wall Street Journal, if Donald Trump were to return to the White House, he would intend to entrust Musk in an advisory role. The tycoon and the entrepreneur agree on many issues, but they are cat and dog on the electric car. And several observers fear that the new role could prove to be a boomerang for the business of the owner of Tesla, xAI, SpaceX and Neuralink

One is a compulsive tweeter , so much so that he created quite a few embarrassments for the US administration with his tweets even during his mandate (the memorable post "my nuclear button is bigger than yours" addressed to the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un ). And he is so self-centered that, once expelled from all existing social networks, he founded his own, in which only he speaks.

The other is also a chronic tweeter who indulges in the worst utterances (some time ago he had offended an employee suffering from muscular dystrophy whose only crime was asking, publicly on 'today tomorrow) and is self-centered to the point that Twitter actually bought it, after which, not happy, he forced the developers to alter the algorithm to ensure that his posts appear to all subscribers, even if they don't they follow. Donald Trump and Elon Musk have several meeting points and the virtual Twitter square (or X) is only the most clear and recent example. But what could they possibly do together?


All of America has been wondering this ever since the Wall Street Journal published the indiscretion according to which, if Donal Trump were to return to the White House, he intended to entrust the entrepreneur in the breach with Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink and xAI (just to name a few) a consultancy role.


According to the WSJ , Trump and Musk have already discussed the possible consultative role in private. The most curious aspect is that the CEO of Tesla would not have been chosen by the Republican exponent, fresh from conviction in the trial over the payments to the former porn star Stormy Daniels , to weave strategies that allow the US automotive industry to rival the brands Chinese, increasingly aggressive, but to get advice on the protection of the borders and, in particular, the southern ones with Mexico.

At the end of September Musk, according to newspaper reports, "dressed in a black t-shirt, black cowboy hat and Top Gun-style sunglasses", went along the South American border. From there the South African tycoon said he was in favor of immigration but against those who break the laws in a video selfie later published on his social platform X.


In recent months, however, it was Musk himself who crossed the border, with the intention of building the main Tesla gigafactory in Mexico to serve the United States and Canadian markets.

A strategy that is difficult for Americans – especially politicians – to digest, given that it takes away jobs in the USA, already seen in China, where Tesla has its own hub which produces electric cars for Asia but also for the rest of the world. world.

It is unlikely that Musk and Trump have the same views on this point. In fact, they don't have it, so much so that the tycoon has already promised 100% duties (identical to those that Joe Biden put on cars arriving from China) for cars arriving from Mexico.

Not only that: in recent days Trump, addressing manufacturers during an election rally in Ohio, has in fact hinted that he will do everything he can to hinder the sale of battery-powered cars: " You won't be able to sell them ", the warning from former American president.


The Wall Street Journal also reported a recent closed-door conversation between the electric car entrepreneur, billionaire Nelson Peltz and Trump in which the three spoke about the need to prevent electoral fraud and persuade US elites not to support the re-election campaign of the outgoing president, Democrat Joe Biden .


But Trump's embrace of Musk could prove fatal, putting his companies at a disadvantage. In fact, if the entrepreneur aims to get a foothold in the White House to guarantee favorable legislative treatment, there are many observers who fear repercussions in the shareholding of his companies.

Something very similar happened, in a reversed and specular way, with the flight of advertisers (but also scientists and intellectuals) from Twitter after Musk's purchase. Also in that period, Tesla's shareholders made it clear that they would prefer a "full-time" CEO. This last oddity, in short, could be a risky adventure. The kind that attracts Musk, but also Trump.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/attenti-a-quei-due-cosa-combineranno-assieme-musk-e-trump/ on Sun, 02 Jun 2024 06:10:14 +0000.