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What won’t change for the Democratic Party after the primaries

What won't change for the Democratic Party after the primaries

The latest skirmishes on the primaries of the Democratic Party and the scenarios for the Democratic Party. Damato's Scratches

In an excess of rhetoric referring to the landing for the liberation of Normandy and other parts of Europe then occupied by Nazi troops, like Italy evidently today by the government of Giorgia Meloni, the Republic fortunately only on paper defined "the most long” today's one of the Pd. In which one is more modestly called to choose in the gazebo – as Corriere della Sera recalled – between Stefano Bonaccini and Elly Schlein as secretary.

On the same Republic , on the other hand, the cartoonist Altan laughs at the rhetoric of the masthead by observing that "the beauty of the primaries is that whoever wins is one of ours", like "even whoever loses" to take the place of poor Enrico Letta. Which Marco Travaglio in the Fatto Quotidiano entered in his registry office as a "Baioletta", a literary-personal variant of the bayonet with which until the last day of his mandate he sided with the war in Ukraine in favor of the attacked Zelensky and not of the aggressor Putin. Something, the latter, which Bonaccini would certainly confirm, whose name Travaglio did not cripple, limiting himself to nailing it to his past as a supporter of the then secretary of the Democratic Party Matteo Renzi. Which is enough for him to say and think the worst possible.

Elly Schlein, on the other hand, albeit with some reservations that not even Travaglio spares himself, and unfortunately having just been robbed of her rucksack on her train and congress journey throughout Italy, could say and do something other than "Baioletta" on the Ukrainian front as well. And never mind if to paradoxically support her in her race for the secretariat were the currents and the men who for the longest and most stubbornly – before, after and during the same Renzi secretariat – governed "the firm", as Pier Luigi Bersani called the party before, during and after – he too – his own secretariat.

More modestly, or less rhetorically, than the epic representation of Repubblica, and at the price of only two euros each, the voters summoned to the gazebos, and those who will be able to vote digitally from home, with the grillino rite, will eventually have to decide whether to leave the Pd half a point above the 5 Star Movement, as shown by the latest survey carried out by Demos, make it go up I don't know frankly by how much, perhaps by shortening the almost lunar distances from Giorgia Meloni's party, or really overtaking it by Giuseppe Conte. Who naturally hopes for you, still taking advantage of the promotion obtained by the Pd himself, leading his second government, to a "very high point of reference for the progressives": word of the then secretary of the Nazarene party, Nicola Zingaretti , now also ex president of the Lazio region , and of the never enough contemplative philosopher of the left Goffredo Bettini. God makes them and then pairs them, says a happy old proverb.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/cosa-non-cambiera-per-il-pd-dopo-le-primarie/ on Sun, 26 Feb 2023 07:11:28 +0000.