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Who is aiming for Aeolus? Facts and rumors

Who is aiming for Aeolus? Facts and rumors

Will the Swedish fund EQT buy the minority stake in Eolo? Facts, numbers and rumors

The game is livened up on Eolo, an operator that in Italy provides connectivity via Fwa (Fixed Wireless Access) technology and today reaches more than 6,500 municipalities.

The company, founded by Luca Spada, has put up a minority stake (49%) for sale, but could end up on the market up to 100%.

According to the rumors of MF-Milano Finanza , Eqt.

All the details.


Searchlight, a global private equity fund, has raised 49% of the capital held in Eolo. The deal, followed by advisor Morgan Stanley, could prove to be a billionaire.


And to put the money on the plate, it could be, writes MF-Milano Finanza today , the EQT fund, in pole position to take over the minority share. The Swedish private equity fund, which operates in various areas with a capital endowment of over 62 billion euros and around 40 billion euros of assets managed through 19 funds, which boasts the presence of Facile.it and Idealista in its portfolio. main online platform for real estate advertisements in Europe.


But Eqt is not alone. Also interested in entering the capital of Italy Eolo are Antin, a private equity firm focused on infrastructure investments, with offices in Paris, London and Luxembourg, and Infravia, a leading independent private equity firm specializing in infrastructure investments. and technology.


In reality, it is not excluded that, writes MF-Milano Finanza , that 100% of the company founded by Luca Spada may be sold. The same company in the past has now announced the change of its legal status, becoming a Benefit Company.

Eolo, therefore, undertakes to pursue some specific purposes of common benefit and positive impact on society and the environment.


Founded in 1999, Eolo is a national telecommunications operator , active in the field of ultra-broadband for the residential and business market. The company reaches over 6,000 municipalities throughout Italy and will reach 7,500 municipalities in 2021.

Eolo creates fixed radio links, creates radio networks and develops services for both residential and corporate users.


Its shareholders are Cometa SpA (controlled by the founder Luca Spada with 51% of the capital) and the Searchlight Capital Partners fund (49%). On the 26.5% (1,461,306) of Cometa shares there is a pledge in the comparisons of Mps Capital Service and Unicredit. Pledge in favor of Mps and Unicredit also on 25.5% of the capital of Searchlight.

Aeolus and the pledge of banks

Comet Spa, recalled Start Magazine and owns 51% of Aeolus, or 2,810,204 shares. Of these, 51.99% (1,461,306 shares) are pledged to Mps Capital Services Banca per le Imprese Spa and Unicredit. The Searchlight Capital Partners fund owns 49% of Eolo, corresponding to 2,700,000 shares. Of these, 52% (1,404,000 shares) was pledged to Mps Capital Services and Unicredit.

Mps Capital Services and Unicredit, therefore, hold 2,865,306 Eolo shares in pledge, equal to 51.99% of the capital of the Italian operator active in the Fwa. The granting of the securities as pledges by the two shareholders to the banks is linked to a financing transaction.


The company closed the fiscal quarter, as of September 30, with revenues of 91.5 million, up 23%, and a gross Ebitda of 43.7 million.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/chi-punta-a-eolo-fatti-e-rumor/ on Wed, 21 Apr 2021 13:42:22 +0000.