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Who slips into anti-racism

Who slips into anti-racism

The Scratches of Damato

There and then I felt like a worm reading the protest in Libero , or rather the indignation of Azzurra Barbuto for the silence that fell on the driver of the car driver of the United Nations contingent who was the first to die in the assault that then cost his life to the ambassador of Italy to the Republic of Congo Luca Attanasio and the carabiniere Vittorio Iacovacci, in charge of his security. Whose remains were received in Rome by the Prime Minister. Silence on the driver, ignored even in the expressions of condolence and execration of the Italian authorities only because he is Congolese and black. His name was Mustapha Milambo, it later became known.

I felt like a worm for having just written about the horrible end of our two compatriots while ignoring that of the driver. But then I recovered from the shock, or from the sense of guilt, when I read the reasons for the indignation of the journalist from Libero . According to which "blacks, for the do-gooders, deserve mercy only as clandestine migrants, when it comes to welcoming them and then unloading them on the streets as garbage, or when it is necessary to kneel on TV or in parliamentary halls to pay homage to memory of George Floyd, an African American suffocated last summer by a policeman during an arrest ”.

Oh no, dear and indignant lady. Under these conditions, that is, with these reasons and these combinations, I'm not okay. And I do not feel any sense of guilt, or at least no sense of guilt greater than what officials, officials and others of the United Nations and the Congolese government should warn for not having felt the need to immediately reveal the identity, that is name and surname, of the unfortunate driver who died first killed in yet another episode of brutal violence to prevent which twenty thousand blue helmets are employed in that distant country and a billion dollars are spent every year. Domenico Quirico told us about it in La Stampa, rightly writing about the most expensive and betrayed peace mission set up in New York in the most famous glass building in the world. After all, not even Signora di Libero, writing about it, was able to name the driver killed.

It will not be the arguments of Azzurra Barbuto that will make me repent, as a "feel good" as the lady dismissed those who do not think like her on the Congolese affair and surroundings, or do not align with her sensitivity, to support the duty to help migrants of color , so to speak, which often end up on the street as “rubbish”, spontaneously escaping from the collection points, and not chased by state torturers.

Nor do I regret having shared the indignation that George Floyd's death deserved, caused on American soil, that is, in the free and virtuous West, by a policeman unworthy of the uniform he wore, with the complicity of colleagues of the same rank.

Tears are fine, even those of circumstance, and that more of emotion, unconventionality and more that is felt in journalistic and political controversies, but there must be a limit, beyond which certain currency is only fake. Or charity gets hairy.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/chi-scivola-sullantirazzismo/ on Wed, 24 Feb 2021 05:06:41 +0000.