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Who was General Claudio Graziano, president of Fincantieri, who died at the age of 70

Who was General Claudio Graziano, president of Fincantieri, who died at the age of 70

General Claudio Graziano, president of Fincantieri, committed suicide. The profile

General Claudio Graziano, president of Fincantieri, committed suicide. He was born in Turin in 1953.

Graziano, who had recently lost his wife (Marisa Lanucara), was found dead this morning.

The person who found the already lifeless body was a policeman from his escort who had a key to his apartment.

Graziano was on the bed. Near the body a gun and a note. The coroner, the magistrate on duty and the police were on site. According to initial evidence, he shot himself in the head during the night, the Ansa agency wrote.

In the note he refers to a lack of meaning in his life after the recent death of his wife.


“After Marisa's death I lost my way”: this is the content of the short note found next to the general's body. The prevailing hypothesis is that he took his own life. In the note found in his home in Rome, there is a clear reference to his wife, Marisa Lanucara, who passed away in the spring of 2023 following an illness. “Those who frequented Graziano report how mourning affected him in the last year, but also the commitment, rigor, ability to show himself in a good mood that he conveyed to the outside world, even in the last few weeks,” wrote the Radiocor agency.


Graziano, former chief of staff of the Defense and president of the EU military committee, had been appointed president of Fincantieri in 2022.


Claudio Graziano's wife, Marisa Lanucara, passed away on 10 April 2023. “Marisa Lanucara, aged 65, married to Claudio Graziano, has passed away, surrounded by the affection of her loved ones. Her husband and her entire family announce this with deep sorrow. The funeral will be celebrated on Wednesday 12 April 2023 at 11 am at the Salus Infirmorum church of the Celio Military Polyclinic, Piazza Celimontana 50, Rome. The funeral chamber will be set up on Tuesday 11 April from 9am to 7pm in the mortuary of the Celio Military Polyclinic. We thank all those who participate", we read in the obituary written by the family to announce his passing.


The news of the death of the president of Fincantieri impacts the stock of the civil and military shipbuilding giant: below 5 euros and down by more than 3 percent (at 11.30 am, minus 1% at 1 pm).


Fincantieri expressed "immense sorrow for the sudden passing of General Claudio Graziano, president of the group, which leaves a large and unbridgeable void". In a note "the CEO and general manager Pierroberto Folgiero, the Board of Directors, the board of statutory auditors, the managers and all the employees of Fincantieri remember with emotion the extraordinary human and professional qualities that have always distinguished him in his long career".

Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister: “I am shocked by the news of the tragic death of General Claudio Graziano. An upright servant of the State leaves us, who throughout his life honored the Nation, the Armed Forces and the Institutions with dedication, competence and professionalism. I would like to extend, on my behalf and that of the entire Government, my condolences and closeness to his family and loved ones."

“The passing of General Claudio Graziano leaves me speechless. He was a friend and was an extraordinary officer who brought honor to Italy even in his European roles. May a prayer accompany him on the journey to reach his bride." Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani wrote this on X, in reference to the passing of General Claudio Graziano, president of Fincantieri.


Born in Turin in 1953, he attended the Military Academy of Modena, from 1972 to 1974, and the Application School of Turin, from 1974 to 1976, where he obtained a degree in Military Strategic Sciences. He also obtained degrees in Diplomatic and International Sciences from the University of Trieste, a Master's degree in Strategic Sciences and a university specialization in Human Sciences from the Augustinian Academy of Rome.

Appointed Infantry Officer, Alpine specialty in 1974, in 1976 he was commander of a rifle platoon at the "Susa" Alpine battalion in Pinerolo and in 1977 he was Deputy Commander of the anti-tank company of the "Taurinense" Alpine Brigade. He then commanded, in 1980, the mortar company as well as the Alpine company (riflemen) at the "Trento" Alpine battalion of the "Tridentina" Alpine Brigade and from 1983 to 1986 the Officer Cadets company and the Command company at the Alpine Military School of Aosta .

After the General Staff course, in 1987 he was assigned to the Army General Staff, where he held the position of Officer in Charge of the Supply Program Office.

Promoted to Major in 1988, he then attended the Higher Staff Course from 1989 to 1990.

In 1990, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, he was transferred to the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army, taking on the role of Chief of the General Staff Secretariat of the Chief of Staff.

In 1992 he was reassigned to the "Susa" alpine battalion as Commander which, during his command, was deployed in Mozambique, as part of the United Nations peacekeeping mission, with the main task of guaranteeing the security of the corridor Beira, encouraging and supporting humanitarian and health aid to local populations.

At the end of 1993 he was designated Head of Coordination and Studies Section in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army.

Promoted to Colonel, in 1996 he attended the US Army War College and then commanded the 2nd Alpine Regiment of the "Taurinense" Brigade in Cuneo. Subsequently, he held the position of Chief of the Planning Office of the Army General Staff.

In September 2001 he assumed the role of Military Attache at the Italian Embassy in Washington DC, in the United States.

Promoted Brigadier General in January 2002, in August 2004 he assumed command of the "Taurinense" Alpine Brigade and from July 2005 to February 2006 the command of the "Kabul Multinational Brigade" in Afghanistan and, with it, the responsibility of the Area of ​​Operations of the province of Kabul, directing, among other things, numerous humanitarian initiatives in the context of reconstruction and first aid activities for the populations.

Promoted to General of Division in January 2006, in March of the same year he assumed the role of Chief of the Operations Department of the Joint Defense Joint Forces Operational Command.

In January 2007 the Secretary General of the United Nations awarded him the role of Force Commander of the UNIFIL mission in Lebanon, where he fulfilled the role of Commander of the UN Forces, as well as Head of Mission, also becoming responsible for the entire civilian component of the United Nations in Lebanon, including the coordination of humanitarian aid and reconstruction and relief activities undertaken.

In January 2010 he was promoted to the rank of General of the Army Corps and, from February of the same year, he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense. In October 2011 he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Army and subsequently promoted to the rank of General.

From February 2015 to November 2018 he was Chief of Defense Staff.

Designated in November 2017, from 6 November 2018 to 15 May 2022 he held the position of President of the European Union Military Committee.

Since 16 May 2022 he has been President of the Board of Directors of Fincantieri SpA and since 28 September 2022 he has been President of Assonave (National Association of the shipbuilding industry).

Awarded with numerous decorations, he was awarded 5 Solemn Commendations and 9 Simple Commendations. He was also awarded honorary citizenship of the Province of Tire (Lebanon), of the Municipalities of Villanova d'Asti and Fontanile (AT) and of the city of Biella.

He is the author of numerous books, studies and articles.


Army Corps General Claudio Graziano – we read on his CV published on the Army website – attended the Military Academy of Modena, from 1972 to 1974, and the Application School of Turin, from 1974 to 1976, where He obtained a degree in Military Strategic Sciences. He was appointed Infantry Officer, Alpine specialty, in 1974. His first assignment, in 1976, was that of Rifle Platoon Commander of the “Susa” Alpine battalion in Pinerolo.

In 1977 he was Deputy Commander of the anti-tank company of the "Taurinense" Alpine Brigade, with which he participated in exercises in Norway and Denmark as part of the Allied Mobile Forces (AMF-L). In 1980 he commanded, in succession, the mortar company and the alpine (rifle) company at the "Trento" alpine battalion of the "Tridentina" alpine brigade. From 1983 to 1986, he commanded the Officer Cadets company and the Command company at the Alpine Military School of AOSTA. After the General Staff course, in 1987, he was assigned to the Army General Staff, where he held the position of Officer in Charge of the Supply Program Office. He was promoted to Major in 1988 and then attended the Higher Staff Course from 1989 to 1990. In 1990, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, he was transferred to the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army, assuming the role of Chief of the Secretariat of the Chief of Staff.

Subsequently, in 1992, he was reassigned to the "Susa" Alpine battalion as Commander. During his command, the battalion was deployed in Mozambique, as part of the United Nations peacekeeping mission (UNOMOZ), with the main task of ensuring the security of the Beira corridor (communication route between Zimbabwe and the sea) , encouraging and supporting humanitarian and health aid to local populations. In late 1993, he was designated Section Chief in the Office of the Army Chief of Staff. Promoted to Colonel in 1996, he commanded the 2nd Alpine Regiment of the "Taurinense" Brigade in Cuneo.

Subsequently, he held the position of Chief of the Planning Office of the Army General Staff. In September 2001, he assumed the position of Military Attache at the Italian Embassy in Washington DC, in the United States. He was promoted to Brigadier General on 1 January 2002. Having returned to Italy, he assumed command of the “Taurinense” Alpine Brigade on 27 August 2004. From 20 July 2005, he assumed command of the "Kabul Multinational Brigade" in Afghanistan and, with it, responsibility for the Area of ​​Operations in the province of Kabul, duties carried out until 6 February 2006. In this period, in addition to the tasks of safety and protection, he has directed numerous humanitarian initiatives in the context of reconstruction and first aid activities for populations. Once the period of operational employment ended, upon returning to his homeland, he continued in the role of Commander of the "Taurinense" Alpine Brigade until 2 March 2006.

Promoted to General of Division on 1 January 2006, he assumed the role of Chief of Operations Department of the Joint Defense Joint Forces Operational Command from 15 March of the same year. On 29 January 2007, the Secretary General of the United Nations awarded him the role of Force Commander of the UNIFIL mission in Lebanon. In the following three years, he therefore fulfilled a dual role in the Land of Cedars: the purely military one of Commander of the UN Forces and the more purely political-diplomatic one of Head of Mission. In the latter capacity, he was also responsible for the entire civil component of the United Nations in Lebanon, including the coordination of humanitarian aid and reconstruction and relief activities undertaken directly by the UN, or conducted on a bilateral basis by the various contributing countries.

On 1 January 2010 he was promoted to the rank of Army Corps General and, from 10 February of the same year, appointed Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense. On 14 October 2011, he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Army, then assuming the role on 6 December 2011. As Chief of Staff of the Army, General Graziano was primarily responsible for the preparation, training and maintenance of the efficiency of the Italian Army. He represented the Armed Forces before the Government and its Ministries, at the Italian Parliament and International Organizations, and was a member of the Committee of Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces.

General Graziano was awarded numerous decorations, obtained degrees in Diplomatic and International Sciences from the University of Trieste, a Master's degree in Strategic Sciences and a university specialization in Human Sciences from the Augustinian Academy of Rome. He was the author of numerous books, studies and articles.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/suicidio-claudio-graziano-fincantieri-morto/ on Mon, 17 Jun 2024 09:19:46 +0000.