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Why is the EU lukewarm to strike against China?

Why is the EU lukewarm to strike against China?

Europeans are reluctant to face Beijing head on, writes Le Monde

The European Union, like the Asian countries, remains poised between the fear of Chinese expansionism and the attraction of its market.

We trusted in a dialogue. It was just a succession of Chinese monologues. Held simultaneously in Chongqing and Rome on Tuesday 8 June, the fifth "China-Europe seminar on human rights" was a flop. No European official – reports Le Monde – participated. Scheduled this year in Italy, this meeting, to which the Chinese devote considerable resources, was held simultaneously with Rome. Yet no member of the Draghi government has made an appearance. Even the Italian consul in Chongqing did not deign to make a leap.

Only a few local politicians from the peninsula came to argue that China is a great country and that it would be even better if it allowed the Chinese to still shop in Rome and Milan. It is also true that the Chinese have made no effort on their part. The theme chosen for the meeting proves it: Covid-19 and the guarantee of the right to life and health. One after another, the Chinese explained that, thanks to Xi Jinping, China saved countless lives during the epidemic. And since life is the first of human rights, China respects them. It was understood that neither Xinjiang nor Hong Kong were on the agenda.


Since March 22 and Beijing's announcement of sanctions against European politicians, the Union does not know what attitude to adopt towards China. " There are no political conditions for such a dialogue ", explained the Europeans to justify their absence from the seminar. But, they immediately added, “ we must talk to China “. Shortly before Joe Biden's visit to the G7, Charles Michel, the President of the European Council, once again defended the investment deal concluded in late December 2020, even though he appears to be stillborn.

The European Union does not intend to allow itself to be drawn into a frontal confrontation with Beijing by Washington. Furthermore, contacts between member states and China are far from being broken. The foreign ministers of Hungary, Poland and Ireland recently visited China. Italian and Spanish officials could follow them.

Above all, the idea of ​​a farewell visit from Angela Merkel – possibly accompanied by Emmanuel Macron – this summer was not completely abandoned. " Let's not underestimate the charm of China, " warns a Western diplomat. “ Don't forget that 3 million cars are sold a year in Germany, but Volkswagen alone sells 3.5 million in China, ” says another. Even if it is not well regarded, China is essential.


This is even more true for its neighbors. Traditionally, Japan, South Korea and the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), including Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, have been in the American sphere of influence. But as a recent issue of Foreign Policy magazine shows, all of these countries are torn between fear of Chinese expansionism and the irresistible appeal of its market.

" In the long run, what Beijing aims at is to replace the American system with a Chinese frame of reference, and to convince the countries of the region of the interest and the natural logic of a common destiny, including security ", explains Sophie Boisseau du Rocher , researcher at the French Institute of International Relations.

This has just been proven. On Monday 7 June, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi physically received his Asean counterparts, also in Chongqing. China is about to increase its level of partnership with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. This becomes from now on " global strategic ", with the same rank as that which binds China to Russia or the European Union. A level that goes beyond commercial relations and includes security issues.

However, the South China Sea is a major dispute between China and several Asean members: Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei. At a time when the United States and the European Union are developing their Indo-Pacific strategy, China wants to strengthen ties with its neighbors by making as few concessions as possible. “ China now aspires to Southeast Asia. How can we make sure he doesn't take it? ”Sums up Sophie Boisseau du Rocher.

If Xi Jinping's China no longer hesitates to show its strength and international ambitions, it is nevertheless far from being an absolute power. “ For decades, France, an average power, has made and undone African leaders. There was even a cell at the Elysée specializing in coups. China is not even able to impose its law on Myanmar, one of the weakest states in the region, ”said a diplomat sent to Beijing.


Despite its exports of masks and vaccines, China's unpopularity in the region appears to be growing. China's aggressive diplomacy and the " fighting wolves " that populate its embassies are taking their toll, even beyond the countries that are victims of it.

Apparently aware of the problem, the political bureau chaired by Xi Jinping issued a document on May 31 suggesting the need to change this strategy. We must " strive to build a reliable, admirable and respectable image of China, " Xi Jinping said on that occasion. But for the general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CCP), it is also necessary "to develop an effective international presence that is consistent with China's national power and international status ". Strengthen the propaganda, therefore. Furthermore, unlike what is written in the English version, the Chinese communiqué specifies that the propaganda is part of the " ideological struggle ".

Wolves don't turn into lambs overnight. We have to draw the consequences. " We must stop considering China as the extra man in the international system and begin to outline the contours of a new multipolar world where interdependencies define a necessary coexistence ", says researcher Marc Julienne in the editorial of Politique étrangère. Betting on a " friendly " China is hardly realistic in the short term. But betting on its weakness is even less realistic.

(Extract from the Epr review)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/ue-cina-cosa-fa/ on Sat, 12 Jun 2021 06:00:20 +0000.